The visit of the Magi, escape to Egypt, and return to Nazareth.
Day 19
John the Baptist’s ministry and the baptism of Jesus.
Day 20
The temptation of Jesus, calling of the first disciples, and healing.
Day 21
The Beatitudes and salt and light.
Day 22
Anger, reconciliation, adultery, divorce, oaths, retaliation, and loving enemies.
Day 23
Giving to the needy, the Lord’s Prayer, fasting, treasures in heaven, and serving God.
Day 24
Do not worry.
Day 25
Judging others, the Golden Rule, the narrow and wide gates, and false prophets.
Day 26
The wise and foolish builders.
Day 27
Jesus heals a man with leprosy, the centurion’s servant, and others.
Day 28
The cost of following Jesus, calming the storm, and healing two demon-possessed men.
Day 1
Healing of a paralyzed man, calling of Matthew, and fasting.
Day 2
Healing of the woman and the girl, and sending workers into the harvest.
Day 3
The commissioning of the twelve apostles and their instructions.
Day 4
Instructions for the apostles, fear, and the cost of discipleship.
Day 5
John the Baptist’s inquiry and Jesus’ praise of John.
Day 6
Woes to unrepentant cities, and Jesus’ invitation to rest.
Day 7
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, and healing on the Sabbath.
Day 8
Jesus heals a demon-possessed man, the Pharisees’ accusations, and the true family of Jesus.
Day 9
The Parable of the Sower and its meaning.
Day 10
The Parables of the Weeds, the Mustard Seed, and the Yeast.
Day 11
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl, and the Net.
Day 12
The death of John the Baptist and the feeding of the five thousand.
Day 13
Jesus walks on water and heals the sick.
Day 14
Traditions of the elders and what defiles a person.
Day 15
The healing of the Canaanite woman’s daughter and feeding the four thousand.
Day 16
The demand for a sign, and the yeast of the Pharisees.
Day 17
Peter’s confession of Christ, and Jesus predicts His death.
Day 18
The Transfiguration of Jesus.
Day 19
Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy and pays the temple tax.
Day 20
The greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and the lost sheep.
Day 21
Dealing with sin in the church, and the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant.
Day 22
Teachings on divorce, and Jesus blesses the little children.
Day 23
The rich young man, and the reward for following Jesus.
Day 24
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.
Day 25
Jesus predicts His death and heals two blind men.
Day 26
The Triumphal Entry and cleansing of the temple.
Day 27
Jesus’ authority challenged, and the Parable of the Two Sons and the Tenants.
Day 28
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet, and paying taxes to Caesar.
Day 29
The Sadducees' question, the greatest commandment, and Jesus' question about David's son.
Day 30
Jesus’ warnings against the Pharisees and the scribes.
Day 31
Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple, signs of the end times, parables of the faithful servant and ten virgins, betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection.