Marriage Conference
Sept 8th, 15th, and 22nd
At 8:30, 10 and 11:30 am
2228 GA HWY 88 Hephzibah, GA 30815
Did you know that Webster defines marriage as a combination or mixture of two or more elements?
And if you're married, you know those two elements are usually entirely different. That's what makes marriage so hard, but can I tell you, it also makes it great?!
If you are married, or if you want to be married, join us at Oasis Church in Hephzibah for Pillow Talk.
All first-time guests will receive a FREE My Pillow, and all of our kids ministries will take care of your children while you hear from wonderful speakers and discover how you can have a thriving marriage.
Our Speakers
Lead Pastors, Oasis Church
Wesley and Jessica have three active boys, a diva of a dog, and have been married for over 23 years.
While they have been dating since high school and married since their early 20s, they will tell you honestly that their entire relationship would not be described as “thriving,” and some days, it was only by the grace of God that it was even surviving.
But God.
Through some growing-up stages, many prayers, a ton of grace, and a covenant commitment to one another, they know God can make messy things beautiful and fruitful, and they are passionate about seeing marriages succeed.
Pastor Rocky and Mandi McKinley
Lead Pastors, Destiny Community Church
Rocky and Mandi McKinley pastor Destiny Community Church in Newberry, Florida. They have been married for 29 years and have successfully raised two children.
As they have proudly entered the arena of grandparenthood as “Pop Rock & Grammi,” Rocky and Mandi know the importance of developing a strong marriage that lasts through the different stages of life.
With years of wisdom, and genuine hearts to minister to families, you will be blessed by what they share.
Pastor Chris & Christy Lotz
Executive Pastor, Oasis Church
Hosts, Lotz About Something Podcast
Pastor Chris and Christy Lotz are OC family, serving on staff and filling various roles within the church. They are proud parents to two terrific daughters, Lily and Emma, and one demanding cat, Boots.
Chris and Christy have been married for over two decades. They are the dynamic duo hosts for their weekly podcast, Lotz About Something, and they have a gift for sharing Biblical truth on marriage and family.
They put the fun in funny, the real in REALLY???!, and will share with you wisdom, hope, and laughs.